3 Weight Loss Secrets
Are you eating healthy and exercising? Did you know that the weight loss starts in your head? The secret is your subconscious mind either working with you or against you.
First Reason - Your Story
Most of the time your mind is working against you because of the story that you keep telling yourself. You know that story that comes up when you are about to go to the gym or decide to lose weight. The story that you have tried it all, I can't lose weight, it runs in my family, I don't deserve it, my body is ugly, I can't look in the mirror without hating what I see, I never gonna find true love… Your story never comes up on a good day. It shows its ugly head when you are stressed, sleep-deprived, and things aren't going the way you planned. If deep inside your heart, you don’t believe it’s possible to lose weight, you are sabotaging your weight loss. Ask yourself, “Do I really believe I can do it? Or did I lose hope after trying and am not sure it’s possible anymore”.
To lose weight and get different results, you need to write a new, better story - a story of hope and courage - a story of self-care and respect. You wouldn't tell a friend that her body is ugly. But we say it to ourselves all the time.
Take a challenge this week to reject negative self-talk and replace it with positive and kind words.
Take a piece of paper and a pen or use your iPhone, I know you are saying I'll do it later. No, do it right now. You'll forget and get busy. Take a couple of minutes and write a new story.
Here's a couple of ideas to get you started:
I am beautiful... I am going to lose ..... pounds by (date). I am unique and there is no one like me. I can do this... I love my body just the way it is. I don’t need to weight xxx pounds to be happy and get my dream job or find true love.
Second Reason - Your Past
Let go of your past that seems to be haunting you know. You have been carrying this weight for a long time. That person that was so mean to you when you were a child at school, a parent, or a stranger that said you are fat and ugly. You have believed this lie for so long that it became your new normal. Don't let this hold you back. Your past keeps you from enjoying your present and dreaming about your future.
I remember when a boy at school called me ugly because I had acne. It deeply scarred my heart and my soul. I was afraid to speak in front of people because they would see my face. The acne is gone, but my heart still remembers the feeling of having it on my face. The feeling of everyone looking at my face, the feeling of fear to have my pictures taken. But I wasn't born that way. I was such a brave little girl that would organize a party for her neighbors, collect some money, and entertain a big crowd of people. That girl that wasn't afraid to talk to any strangers. This girl needed to come back and live her life and accept the words of affirmation when her husband says she is beautiful. What happened in the past that’s holding you back right now? Think about it. Pray about it and let it go.
Third Reason - Your Emotions
When you feel down and stressed, you have a bad day and you reach for a doughnut, cookie, or brownie that will satisfy you. Stop and deal with your emotions instead of hiding them in your heart. Take a deep breath and write down how you feel. The brownie will only mask the hurt, not take it away. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are a human being and it's ok to be stressed, upset, or disappointed. Acknowledge your feelings and validate them in your heart. By taking a minute to breathe deeply and acknowledge your feelings, you'll feel better and say to yourself, "This shall pass, the best is yet to come". Your emotions are telling you about something. Don’t ignore them, Do you need to talk to this person that’s been treating you poorly? Or take time to rest because you have been doing 10,000 things for everyone else? Our emotions display what’s on our heart, don’t ignore it. Emotional eating covers it up, but don’t resolve the true reason behind them.